Tel-One Network Services, Inc. (u-7327-c) is a Competitive Local Carrier that has been granted authorization to operate by the California Public Utilities Commission. Also, Tel-One received a Utility Conditions Permit (UCP) in San Francisco ensuring all buildings in San Francisco are serviceable.


Founded by Rudy Rucker and Alex Menendez in 2016, the objective is to bring affordable, hassle-free, fiber-optic-connectivity to commercial and enterprise customers in the City and County of San Francisco, California.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement and Community Stewardship: Tel-One Network Services, Inc. doesn’t act like most other Internet and Technology companies whose only purpose is to provide a minimum standard of service, while hiring over seas customer support technicians to handle our clients’ unique set of problems. Because the employees and principals of Tel-One Network Services, Inc. live and work here, and have relationships with those in our community, we know that our community holds us personally accountable to what we do. Simply, we take a deeply personal interest in the quality of our product, and it shows in customer satisfaction!


Tel-One works with the state to provide discounts to qualifying organizations. The California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program provides a 50% discount on advanced communication services (including Internet access and broadband services) to qualifying schools, libraries, community colleges, government-owned hospitals/health clinics, and community-based organizations.

Read more about our California Teleconnect Fund Eligle Services.

Contact Us

Send us a short message!
(415) 974-1313

933 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110
